Information security has never been more critical. No longer an optional business expense, it is now a legal and ethical requirement, and one that makes good commercial sense. The information stored by every business is a valuable asset that needs protection from both internal and external hazards.  Businesses that understand this trust IPSec to protect the availability, privacy and integrity of their information systems.

IPSec is one of Australia’s leading specialists in information protection, offering security consulting and professional services to some of Australia’s most recognizable brands. With over 17 years of industry experience, the IPSec team have built an impressive client list that includes businesses across all sectors of industry and all levels of government.

IPSec is about mitigating risk; enabling confidence and agility by ensuring a reliable IT environment that allows business to get on with business.

As specialists, IPSec aim to deliver total protection - from idea to implementation - by tailoring security solutions and services that adapt as businesses change and grow. Providing insightful advice that is both pragmatic and appropriate to each organisation allows IPSec to keep the overall cost and complexity of the solution to a minimum, whilst maximising value and impact.

Melbourne office team



Effective management of information systems and data requires a deep understanding of security in order to recognise and mitigate vulnerability and risk. Having been in the information security business since the beginning of time (as measured by the internet), no one has more experience than the IPSec team.

The IPSec team deliver better security advice because we intrinsically understand it; we work objectively and independently, using best-practice methodology across the entire life cycle of information security. IPSec are problem solvers at the highest level, a formidable team with unrivalled expertise and experience.

The IPSec team is made up of career information security specialists. As a team of the most highly certified specialists, we have an extensive appreciation of both the global IT security landscape, and the security needs of Australian organisations.