Find unknown cybersecurity vulnerabilities in your environment

Engaging with external cybersecurity specialists to test the security of your systems and expose unknown vulnerabilities provides an objective, accurate and expert view of your security risks.

In this meeting, IPSec’s expert Penetration Testing team will evaluate the security of your desktop, mobile, web applications, cloud and infrastructure from an attacker’s perspective and give you guidance on how to protect yourself.

FROM this consultation you will learn:

  • What infrastructure and applications are most at risk

  • What types of vulnerabilities are being exploited right now and if they are in your environment

  • How to build a robust penetration testing program that covers network, applications, wireless, cloud and on-prem infrastructure

  • What real-world strategies attackers are currently using and how IPSec’s Penetration Testing team are reverse engineering these for protection

IPSec is a trusted and reputable cybersecurity provider with over 20 years expertise in Australia, delivering security solutions to enterprise, Federal government, State government and mid-market privately owned organisations. The Penetration Testing team tailors each engagement to your specific needs, while exposing security weaknesses that may have been overlooked by internal teams or other external cybersecurity providers.

Our customers include:

  • The Department of Health Victoria

  • Ambulance Victoria

  • Consolidated Travel

  • Quest Apartments

  • Honda

  • Firstwave

Fill in the application form below to learn more about IPSec’s offensive security and penetration testing strategic programs. Our team will be in contact within two business days to confirm your meeting time.

apply to Meet with an IPSec Penetration Tester